
As a research assistant at the Chair of Methods in Political Science, I have continuously taught in the Institute’s degree programs, focusing on the practical teaching of empirical social research in the BA program in Social Sciences.

My interest in education is reflected in my experience training and supervising students (e.g., on final-year projects). My teaching roles have equipped me to impart knowledge successfully, prepare and present complex content effectively, guide discussions, and provide constructive feedback to facilitate learning.

In teaching, I have always developed courses further and designed, developed, and implemented several web-based training courses as larger teaching projects. In these projects, I set the planning and implementation as project manager and supervised and managed student assistants.

In addition, I have created several learning videos on statistics and its application in R for the Justus-Liebig-University and the FernUniversität Hagen over the last few years.

In application-oriented courses, I have always emphasized integrating project/collaboration tools (such as Git) and, for example, enabling automated checks of code submissions via Git (see CI project below).

Publications in teaching

Kleer, P., Moosdorf, D., & Diehl, Y. (in preparation). R lehren in der Politikwissenschaft. Wochenschau Verlag.

Kleer, P., & Abendschön, S. (2020). Der Einsatz webbasierter Selbstlernangebote in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methodenausbildung: Zwei Praxisbeispiele. In D. Lambach (Ed.), Bausteine digitaler Lehre in der Politikwissenschaft (pp. 87–99). Wochenschau Verlag.

Taught courses at universities

Here you find an overview of courses and workshops I have taught so far. Courses were taught in title language.

Summer 2022
Statistik+: Einführung in R leicht gemacht! [Statistics+: Starting with R] (Tutorial, BA Social Sciences)

Winter 2021/22
Analyse politischer Unterstützung in der quantitativen Forschungspraxis [Analyzing political supportco] (Seminar, BA)

Daten bändigen & visualisieren in R [Manipualte and visualize data in R with tidyverse] (Workshop, Methodentage Giessen 2021)

Winter 2020/21
Einführung in die empirische Sozialforschung und die quantitative Datenanalyse mit R [Introduction to empirical social research and introduction to analysis with R] (Tutorial, MA)

Analyse politischer Unterstützung in der quantitativen Forschungspraxis [Analyzing political support] (Seminar, BA)

Summer 2020
Data Analysis with R (Tutorial, BA)

Winter 2019/20
Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodengrundlagen und Grundlagen computergestützter Datenanalyse (R) [Introduction to empirical social research and data analysis with R] (Tutorial, MA)

Summer 2019
Datenerhebung in der Praxis [Data collection in practice] (Tutorial, BA)

Winter 2018/19
Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodengrundlagen [Introduction to empirical social research] (Tutorial, MA)

Computergestützte Datenanalyse mit SPSS [Data analysis with SPSS] (Tutorial, BA, Co-Teaching L. Wingerter)

Summer 2018
Wahl- und Parteiensysteme [Electoral and party systems] (Seminar, Teacher Studies)

Winter 2017/18
Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodengrundlagen [Introduction to empirical social research] (Tutorial, MA)

Summer 2017
Politische Kultur in Ostmitteleuropa: Theorie und empirische Ergebnisse [Political Culture in Central Eastern Europe: Theories and empirical evidence] (Seminar, Teacher Studies)

Winter 2016/17
Politikwissenschaftliche Forschungsdesigns [Research designs in political science] (Tutorial, 1 beginner & 1 advanced, MA)

Einführung in die politische Bildung: Politische Soziologie [Introduction to civic education: Political sociology] (Seminar, Teacher Studies)

Summer 2016
Datenanalyse mit SPSS [Data analysis with SPSS] (Tutorial, BA)

Winter 2015/16
Multi-Level-Modelling mit SPSS [Multi-Level-Modelling with SPSS] (Tutorial, MA)