
My research interests lie in political socialization and political attitude/support research. Below, you will find an overview of the research projects.

In smaller and more extensive research projects, I developed my skills in planning and organizing projects and discovering and consolidating my strength in team collaboration. In addition, I steadily expanded my skills in the application and evaluation of quantitative data analysis.

One of my strengths lies in understanding large amounts of information, a crucial skill in my research endeavors. I specialize in distilling complex information into meaningful insights, enabling a deeper understanding of the topics under discussion.

You can find a more comprehensive overview in my academic CV: EN.

Political Socialization

I am particularly concerned with young people, pre-service teachers, and teachers as essential socialization agents in political socialization research. In the case of young people, the focus is on the factors influencing the development of political interest and political media use. In the context of socialization agents, I focus on latent attitudes in the sense of a democratic classroom and the political information skills of student teachers.

I am currently employed in the EU-Horizon project G-EPIC, in which I primarily process knowledge and analyze data to investigate (intersectional) effects on the political interest and political self-efficacy of young people.

Selected publications on this topic:

Kleer, P., & Abendschoen, S. (submitted). Exploring youth’s political interest in different political arenas. A case study from Germany.

Kleer, P., & Abendschön, S. (in preparation). Voices in the margins: Exploring the relationship between discrimination experience and political involvement among European youth.

Kleer, P., & Abendschoen, S. (in preparation). Mediennutzung, Medienvertrauen und politisches Vertrauen bei Jugendlichen eine nicht ganz einfache Beziehung.

Kleer, P., Abendschön, S., García-Albacete, G., Nuñez, L., & Sanchez, D. (in preparation). Do women always express less political interest? A systematic literature review over the last 30 years. .

Kleer, P., Arahal, I., García-Albacete, G., Abendschön, S., Núñez, L., & Sánchez, D. (2023). Inequalities in political interest and political efficacy. A systematic literature review. G-EPIC consortium (EU Horizon).

Abendschön, S., & Kleer, P. (2023). Politische Informationskompetenz online. In L. Girnus, I.-C. Panreck, & M. Partetzke (Eds.), Schnittpunkt Politische Bildung: Innovative Ansätze und fächerübergreifende Perspektiven (pp. 71–99). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Abendschön, S., Kleer, P., & Faas, T. (2022). Out-of-school learning as an effective tool of civic education in elementary school? Evidence from germany. Citizenship, Social and Economic Education, 21, 153–171.

Kleer, P., & Diesing, J. (2021). How to prepare teachers to teach civic education? Insights from a german university. In E. C. Matto, A. R. M. McCartney, E. A. Bennion, A. Blair, T. Sun, & D. Whitehead (Eds.), Teaching civic engagement globally (pp. 341–358). American Political Science Association.

Political Attitudes/Support

With Michael Hunklinger, I deal with the effects on the voting behavior of LGBTIQ*. In particular, we are investigating how group-specific attitudes impact voting decisions and participation behavior.

In my doctoral thesis, I dealt intensively with the theoretical conditions of the different levels of political support in the field of political support research in the context of consolidated democracies in Central and Eastern Europe. I examined these possible interactions, taking economic effects into account.

Selected publications on this topic:

Junge, B., & Kleer, P. (in preparation). Evaluating PT governments: The role of corruption perception among Brazil’s Once-Rising Poor (BORP).

Hunklinger, M., & Kleer, P. (2024). Why do LGB vote left? Insight into left-wing voting of lesbian, gay and bisexual citizens in Austria. Electoral Studies, 87.

Kleer, P. (2023). Grundbedingungen von Demokratie: Ungleichheit als Störfaktor der demokratischen Konsolidierung (Dissertation). Springer VS.